Joh's Build Order Reference

Vietnamese archer build/rush 10-30-2021, done in a ranked game by burek11, vs joh and trench dog.

Resources wood food gold stone builders
3 to build 2 houses, then to sheep 3
6 on sheep 6
1 to build lumber camp then to wood 6 1
3 more to wood 4 6
scout pushes first deer, continues to push deer when possible 4 6
1 lure boar 4 7
1 builder sent from food to build 3 houses in direction of enemy 4 7 1
2 on meat under tc 4 8 1
house builder lures second boar 4 9
4 from under tc to build mill all at once and pick berries, house builder back to meat under tc 4 5 4
2 on food, mill done, 10 on food under tc, 4 on berries, 4 on wood 4 14
4 on wood 8 14
research loom 8 14
clicks up to feudal at 8:33 8 14
Advancing to Feudal
3 from food to build 2nd lumber camp 11 11
3 from food to gold 11 8 3
building phase begins, 1 from food to build barracks in direction of enemy 11 7 3 1
2 from food to wall/build 11 5 3 3
1 from wood to wall/build 10 5 3 4
feudal reached at around 11 minutes 10 5 3 4
2 from food to immediately build 2 archery ranges 10 3 3 6
1 produced from tc to help build 10 3 3 7
1 builder transferred to berries 10 4 3 6
builders build a blacksmith and a house 10 4 3 6
1 to gold 10 4 4 6
archery ranges start producing archers 10 4 4 6
3 to gold 10 4 7 6
1 builder to farms, transfers berry villagers to make farms 10 5 7 6
2 to wood 12 5 7 6
3 builders transferred to farms, 1 to gold, 2 builders left, 30 vills total 12 8 8 2
3 to farms, attacks trench dog, while attacking, economy slowly evens out at home. 12 11 8 2
housed at 55 pop with 37 villagers 9 20(actually 10 farms, 6 still on berries, 4 hunters) 8
hunters to build hosues, no longer housed 9 16 8 4
not feeling any threat he gets wheelbarrow and economic upgrades and cleans up economy 9 16 8 4
clicks up at 20:22 9 16 8 4
Advancing to Castle
resumes attack on trenchdog, now has 27 archers. 9 16 8 4
builds 2 tcs, adds more stone miners 9 16 8 6
Trench dog counters with eagles, but has no eco left now, and is still in feudal and burck11 is fully walled, so eagles are stuck stabbing a house builders quickly go to build houses to reinforce wall 9 16 8 6
at 31 minutes the game is almost over, population housed at 85, he switches villagers to gold, and i do an ineffective counter attack with archers that also can't get through his walls. 14 8 17 6
Trenchdog resigns, I resign, Game Ends, Burke11 wins. Burke11 has 63 villagers, 3 tcs. 25 16 22


Burek11 was vietnamese in this game, he had a great archer rush. It wasn't as well defended by trench dog as it normally would have been because I was having problems with a scout rush that should have been easy to deal with, even though i think i only actually lost one villager to it, it was distracting enough and enough of a threat that trench dog needed to help me, so his eagle warriors were not in his town when the first archers arrived. The main thing I felt was different about burek11's build order from most build orders I try to do was burek11's building phase. He kind of ignored food and even gold mining while he was going up to Feudal He had 4 builders while advancing and 7 immediately after advancing to feudal, all taken from food. His first gold miners were also taken from food, he built two ranges and started making archers before getting any farms. he also had a faster feudal because he did not need to get 3 gold miners. With all the builders, he was able to make an almost too large and extended amount of defensive palisade walls and he still clicked up to Castle at 20 minutes. At 23 minutes he is in castle with 27 archers, all of which are attacking, one big group on each side of trench dog's town. The other enemy player, who i forget the name of now, who wasn't very good, but did kind of beat me, had a walling system i liked a lot better, and imited in a later game.

Download zip file [2.7 MB]-Joh and Trenchdog VS. Burek11 10-30-2021 recorded game zip file

Download zip file [2.7 MB]Burke11 Archers Game Notes